So you want to be healthy and exercise, but like most people…you are busy! Well don’t fret over not having much time. A study conducted by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that running—even slowly—may greatly reduce the risk of a cardiovascular-related death. 1 Running 5 minutes per day can reduce an individual’s risk of premature death by about 3 years. 1 Researchers found that people who ran less than an hour per week also saw an increase in lifespan, not just a decrease in risk of premature death. 1

Running isn’t your thing? The U.S. government and the World Health Organization currently suggest 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity per week; this can include activities such as brisk walking, gardening or even physical chores around the house.

So get out there today and get your spring chores done, it may just add years to your life!


By Liz Sanchez
