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Have you ever noticed how much clutter and disorganization robs one of their energy and power? Whether it is our home or office, it is overwhelming and can be debilitating to live and work in an environment that is cluttered. Today dealing with incoming mail each day is a major chore and very difficult to keep up with. Advertisements, catalogs, magazines, credit card offers…you get the idea…all of it continues to pile up and adds to our stress level when piles of unopened mail continue to grow. In addition to mail, our homes are filled with too much material stuff that has accumulated over the years! Stepping up and learning to let go of our excess baggage and possessions can have a freeing effect on our psyche. When you take on the process of getting organized you begin to restore your balance not only in your environment but in your personal life, as well.
Author Marie Kondo explores the impact of “tidying up” in her book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.” She describes the KonMari Method, which she developed to help people approach this life altering process. She states, “in essence, tidying ought to be the act of restoring balance among people, their possessions, and the house they live in.” The impact of being organized and living with less can renew and refresh the spirit. Ms. Kondo goes on to emphasize, “When we detox our house, it has a detox effect on our bodies as well”. The benefits are numerous and spill over into all areas of our lives.
Don’t wait until tomorrow to get started on this empowering strategy. Start purging and organizing your spaces today. You will be amazed at the restorative power and energy that will come your way. Get started by making a plan and if you get overwhelmed, there are many books on this subject to guide you. The important thing is to get started!